Jen's new tattoo

Jennifer decided to tattoo the name of somebody special in her life.
It's about her dog, Norman, who died at his 15 years old, who lived with Jennifer many years.
"Norman used to come with me everywhere, including the film set. He was my baby", said the actress.
According to People magazine, the tattoo was made on her left foot. There you can read the name "Norman".

Jennifer decidió hacerse un tatuaje con el nombre de alguien muy especial en su vida. 
Se trata de su perro Norman, que falleció a sus 15 años, quien vivió con ella muchos años. 
"Norman iba conmigo a todos los lados, hasta los sets de filmación. Él era mi bebé", dijo la actriz.
Según la revista People, se lo hizo en el pie izquierdo. Allí puede leerse el nombre "Norman".

[Source/Fuente: OK Magazine]

24.06.11 Jennifer out in NYC

23.06.11 Jennifer and Justin at Pace University (NYC)

Jennifer and Justin showing their love in a picture

They certainly are moving their relationship along quickly, and a new photo has been released of Jennifer Aniston getting cozy with Justin Theroux.

The “Just Go With It” babe and her “Your Highness” beau were photographed by Terry Richardson in New York City.

Taking to his blog, Richardson posted the pictures and explained that the black and white photos were on Thompson Street in SoHo shortly after they had all finished dinner.

Ciertamente están construyendo su relación muy rápidamente, y una nueva foto de Jennifer ha sido publicada acurrucándose con Justin Theroux.

La chica de "Just Go With It" y su novio de "Your Highness" fueron fotografiados por Terry Richardson en Nueva York.

En su blog Richardson publicó las imágenes y explicó que las fotos en blanco y negro fueron tomadas en la calle Thompson, en Soho, apenas después de que terminaran su cena.

[Fuente/Source: GossipCenter/Terry Richardson (photo)]

Jen's health routine

Yoga: Jen is a regular yoga practitioner and relies on her yoga instructor Mandy Ingber to custom-design private yoga lessons for her and come to her house to teach them. Mandy starts by leading Jen through five sun salutations, which are a sequence of movements that are synced with the breath. Additional postures like bridge, butterfly, tree pose and others are held for 30 seconds to one minute. Mandy also transforms these traditional postures into a strength training movements by having Jen do a series of scissor kicks, lunges or plie bends to build extra strength, but to also keep her muscles long and lean.
Jen first turned to yoga a month after separating from her now ex-husband. Before that, she felt very little connection to her body and her exercise as she worked out only on cardio machines. Now, yoga has bridged the mind-body gap that Aniston also feels infiltrate in other areas her life. She admits to feeling stronger emotionally as well as physically and she has drawn on the patience she has cultivated in her own yoga practice to her own life as she holds postures steady for minutes a time.

Cardio: In addition to thrice-weekly private yoga sessions, Jen also breaks a sweat during regular cardio routines. The treadmill and elliptical trainer are her two fitness machines of choice. She usually clocks about 20 minutes or more on one of these before her yoga session. Jen feels that the cardio not only boosts her metabolism, but it gives her muscles a warm-up before her yoga class. According to an interview with Self magazine, after a five-minute warm-up, Jen alternates one minute of high-intensity cardio with two minutes of recovery at a moderate pace. On high-energy days, Aniston will even follow up this interval training, which she does on the elliptical, with a 10- to 15-minute run on the treadmill at a 5.7-mph pace on a 1.5 incline.


Jennifer and her mysterious ring

Jennifer Aniston recently started a relationship with the actor, director and screenwriter Justin Theroux and they both appeared with similar new rings in their hands. What will it mean?
It seems that this relationship is serious, this month they announced their love at the MTV Movie Awards. This week, Jennifer, who is 42 years old, and his new boyfriend (39), have been seen in New York with their gold rings in their fingers.


Jennifer Aniston recientemente inició una relación con el también actor, director y guionista Justin Theroux y misteriosamente aparecieron los dos con unos nuevos anillos iguales en sus manos. ¿Cuál será su significado?
Parece que esta relación es una cosa seria, apenas a principios de este mes hicieron público su noviazgo al asistir a la gala de los premios MTV Movie Awards. Esta semana Jennifer Aniston, de 42 años, y su nuevo novio, de 39, han sido vistos muy cariñosos en Nueva York, llevando en sus dedos sendos anillos de oro.


Jennifer's (cheapest) beauty secret

Jennifer Aniston is one of the most beautiful Hollywood actresses. At her 41 years old, she confessed one of the secrets that still makes her looking younger.

She told in a press conference that she has used the same soap since she was a teenager. This is a neutral cosmetic that you can buy in any supermarket by only 3 dollars.

"I use a transparent facial bar since I was a teenager. Every morning I wash my face with the soap and then I put a serum on my face and then a Dr. Hauschka cream", said the actress.


Jennifer Aniston es, sin lugar a dudas, una de las actrices más lindas que presenta Hollywood. A sus 41 años, confesó uno de los secretos que la mantiene joven.

Según relató en una conferencia de prensa, se aplica el mismo jabón desde que es adolescente. Se trata de un cosmético neutro que puede conseguirse en cualquier supermercado por tan sólo tres dólares.

Uso una barra facial transparente desde que era una adolescente y nunca más la he dejado de usar. Todas las mañanas me lavo la cara con el jabón, después me coloco un serum en el rostro y luego una crema del doctor Hauschka”, aseguró la actriz.


Marie Claire magazine - July '11

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